lunedì 30 maggio 2016


Cari lettori,

Il post di oggi lo dedichiamo a una nuova moda estiva, quella delle slippers in città, in particolare le stilosissime slippers Oran di Hermès. Comodi ed eleganti sandali aperti disponibili in cuoio, suede e molti altri materiali ed in moltissimi colori e stampe.
La scarpa perfetta per essere eleganti e raffinate nelle calde giornate estive in città. Indossatele con un jeans o un lungo vestito floreale!
Stylish Alisa

Dear Readers,

Today's post is dedicated to a specific summer fashion, that of slippers in the city, those we like the most are the super stylish Oran slippers by Hermès. Elegant and comfortable at once, these beautiful ladies sandals are available in leather, lizard, suede and other materials; as well as in a number of colours and prints. The perfect pair of shoes to be elegant and refined during the warm summer days in the city. Wear them with a pair of jeans or with a long flower print dress!
Stylish Alisa

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